Viennese beef goulash

Viennese beef goulash

A basic need of the Austrian: Viennese beef goulash

Of course, one could also say: Beef goulash is a staple for Mrs. or Mr. Austrian. After all, this dish - cooked long enough, and well seasoned - is a delight at any time of day. You don't believe me?

At lunch and dinner, Viennese beef goulash is a classic main meal. In the morning, with a fried egg perhaps, or a pair of frankfurters in addition a somewhat hearty, hearty breakfast (some say a "hangover breakfast"). Yes, and at midnight, for example on New Year's Eve a hit to satisfy those who have become hungry again from dancing.

Beef goulash keeps a long time in the refrigerator, gets better and better the more you reheat it. Thus, it is not only delicious, but also practical! Also for the lazy cook a perfect meal. Of course, dumplings or boiled potatoes go well with it, but a crusty roll or a slice of bread as a garnish also do!

To pimp: Gurkerl fits to it, or a pepperoni, mild or hot. We pimp with the WauWau chili mill filled with Organic Chili Bird Eye - there remains no eye dry!


P.S.As for the ingredients, I have already mentioned in the video: important is above all the quality of the paprika, this determines the basic tenor of the dish. We recommend the noble sweet paprika of Hannes Pinterits from Burgenland, the Link to it here>>>>. For the meat we take the normal goulash meat of beef, Wadschunken also called, well-done, which then roasts out and gives the good taste.

1kg beef
8oog onions
1 piece of lemon peel
1 clove of garlic
2 tablespoons lard
3 tablespoons sweet paprika
1/8 of water
Salt from the mill

Dried organic chili from HOT chili mill

Insider tip: Organic lemon pepper from the mill

garnish: boiled potatoes, pepperoni