Cole & Mason WAUWAU Upgrade!

Cole & Mason WAUWAU Upgrade!

Cole & Mason pepper grinder upgrade!

Sometimes people contact me to repair their old grinder such as this Cole & Mason grinder shown in the video. They can't use it anymore, because the grinding mechanism is broken. If it's possible I would try to adapt the wooden body of the mill and equip it with a WauWau stainless steel grinding mechanism.

Even the repair is quite expensive because of the working time it's often worth the work, for some sentimental reasons it's nice to keep this old item in house and it's even better to be able to use it every day.

An antique grinder from Civitale/ Italy

A very cheap pepper grinder from the fleemarket we were able to equip with a WauWau grinder, it was a pretty souvenir from a short vacation in Italy.(Video>>>) It also was sanded, stained an oiled to protect the surface, the crank got polished.

More information about our grinder mechanism '''